Homes consist of the following types - single detached and semi-detached, townhouses, row houses, duplexes, and manufactured homes.
What Does the Home Warranty Cover?
All registered members of Atlantic Home Warranty benefit from our base warranty coverage including:
- Warranty Coverage (including engineering fees) = $70,000 per home
- Living Out Allowance
- 1 year Builder Liability
- 2 years Distribution (electrical and plumbing)
- 3 years Major Structural Defect due to water penetration
- 10 years Major Structural Defect

Warranty Highlights
Builder WarrantyThe first twelve months after your date of possession are considered the builder’s warranty period. During this time, the builder will repair defects in materials and labour that they supplied in the construction of your home.
Delivery and Distribution Systems Warranty
Provides coverage for defect in materials and labour relating to the electrical and plumbing of your delivery and distribution systems of the Home for a period of two years.
Foundation Water Protection Warranty (Qualified Builders)
Provides coverage for any water leakage through the below-grade foundation walls, wrapped with an approved CCMC certified membrane, which meet the requirements of the National Building Code and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Envelope Warranty (Qualified Builders)
Provides coverage for defects in the installation of windows, doors & exterior deck attachments that cause water ingress that are installed in accordance of Atlantic Home Warranty requirements and the latest National Building Code.
Major Structural Defect
10-year Major Structural Defect coverage. The coverage available is $70,000 including engineering fees. There is no deductible or co-payment required by the homeowner.
Living out Allowance
Provides living out expenses incurred by the Homeowner in the event that the Home becomes uninhabitable due to a Major Structural Defect.
If a dispute should arise between the builder and the homeowner during that first year, Atlantic Home Warranty will provide a conciliation service which may be requested by the homeowner or the builder.
Note: Please refer to the New Home Agreement for additional coverage detail.